Giraffe Books

5 Giraffes (5 Animals)
Author: Innis Dagg, Anne, 2016

A Giraffe and a Half
Author: Silverstein, Shel, 2014

Book of the Giraffe
Author: Spinnage, C.A. , 1968

Giraffes Can't Dance
Author: Andreae, Giles, Parker-Rees, Guy (Illustrator), 2012

Giraffe Its Biology, Behavior, and Ecology
Author: Innis Dagg, Anne, 1982

The Giraffe: Its Biology, Behavior, and Conservation
Author: Innis Dagg, Anne, 2014

Pursuing Giraffe: A 1950s Adventure
Author: Innis Dagg, Anne, 2009

Tall Blondes
Author: Sherr, Lynn, 1997

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For the Love of Giraffes

I am often asked, wouldn’t it be better if the giraffe ran free rather than live in zoos. Yes, in a perfect world, we would not need zoos or safari parks. However, we do not live in a perfect world. Poaching, illegal hunting, and habitat destruction are all caused by mankind.

Humans are responsible for the decline in numbers of giraffe and other animals. I want future generations to be able to see animals in the wild. We can help giraffe by supporting giraffe organizations that will work with the various countries. Zoos and safari parks often have programs that help save wild giraffe and they often send personnel to support efforts of moving giraffe to an area where they can thrive, or do studies that are needed to save giraffe. Zoos have programs to educate children and adults. Some giraffe sub-species have numbers that classify them as vulnerable or near extinction. We must act now.

"Once you experience giraffe slobber, you're never the same."
    -- HeartGiraffes